We will have no school on February 14 and February 17 in honor of Presidents Day.
We will have a Spring Showcase the evening of March 11. This is a combined art fair/open house type event. Please save the date and keep an eye out for details.
Every year, the seniors of TPS hold an Econ Fair. They create businesses and the TPS students receive fake money to shop during the event. This is one of the best days of the year! We always need parent help on this day, and we run the event similar to a field trip. If you are cleared and would like to help our students shop, please save the date of March 17. You will get money to shop, too! Details regarding time will be sent later.
Save the date for our final field trip to Pennypickles Museum. The field trip is local and we will ask parents to drop students off and pick them up from the trip. The trip will be May 9.
Spring Break is scheduled for March 24-April 4 and there will be no school on those dates.