Mrs. Kirkendall's class is in need of center volunteers for the third quarter. If you are cleared and can volunteer an hour of your time per week, please see the sign up HERE.
The first homework packet of the new year will be sent home in your child's BEE binder the Tuesday we retrun from break. The Spelling test will be on Friday.
January 24 is the 100th day of school. We will celebrate by dressing like 100 year olds and having a pancake party together! If you would like to volunteer or donate items to the party, please sign up HERE.
Our next field trip is to the Western Science Center on January 31. Field trip packets were sent home after Thanksgiving break. Please be sure to fill it out and return the paperwork no later than January 17.
Our next Meet the Masters art project will be January 14. If you are cleared and would like to help, please sign up HERE.
Report cards will be sent home the week we return from break, in your child's BEE binder. Please sign the outer envelope and return it to me. The report is yours to keep.
Our 2nd quarter Awards Assembly is January 21, at 8:30. Parents of students receiving an award will be notified separately, but we hope to see you all there! Assembly attire is required on this day.
Save the dates for our future field trips. The field trips are local and we will ask parents to drop students off and pick them up from the trip.
Western Science Center- January 31
Pennypickles Museum- May 9